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I want you to know that I'm not ignoring you because I'm a mean person, necessarily. I tend to get distracted by important matters, you see, and then the less important things just fall to the wayside. I'm not trying to say you're not important, mind, just, there's so much going on and you're just kind of there, waiting so patiently for me to notice you. It's easy to forget you're down there, waiting for me to notice you, and, well, it's pretty obvious that you're enjoying your wait, so let's just keep this going.

You may not be the most important thing in my life right this second, but you're still, like, important. To someone, I'm sure! Someone out there thinks you're important and valuable and vital, but that person isn't me. You can just take a little break for a bit and enjoy being in my presence without the pressure to perform. After all, that pressure to perform, to be 'on' all the time, to be the center of attention... is just so wearing, isn't it? It must be exhausting for you to have to be in charge all the time, to be the center ring attraction at the circus. But for now, just chill for a bit, and relax. And sure, you can jerk yourself off, just don't be too noisy and clean up after yourself when you're done.

Did you want me to pay attention to your dick? I mean, I can, it's just I've definitely seen better, and what you have going on down there isn't the reason you're usually at the center ring, now is it? Unless you've got a truly attention grabbing, amazing, perfect cock, I'm just going to be over here re-doing my manicure. I'm trying to tell you that I don't get interested unless what you've got on offer is truly stellar. I'm talking the whole package, from cock to personality, and at this point you really are a little like wallpaper. You know, there, but easily overlooked.

Or did you want me to ignore you for some other reason? I know, 'want' might be strong language, no one really wants to be ignored and overlooked, forgotten like a bag of tomatoes in the back of the fridge. But you wouldn't have made it this far into my introduction if you didn't feel intensely inadequate in some way. Like you deserve this, you deserve to be relegated to the corner and forgotten until you finally just give up in defeat and jerk yourself off to some sad little splurt of completion; totally overlooked and ignored by your Mistress. You need this, and I understand. Whatever drives your desire to be humiliated in this way, it's perfectly alright. I have my Sudoku game, or some emails I can work on, and you can wallow in erotic humiliation and feel just as invisible to me as you are to all the women you have unrequited crushes on.

Like I said: just be quiet and clean up after yourself. Or make some noise, that's funny too, like you're trying to get my attention? Pathetic and adorable.

Give me a call. It'll be very relaxing, at least for me, to have you silently waiting for a little attention. Talk to you soon! Or, well, I suppose I won't be talking to you, will I?

xoxo, Harper